



Lecithin Enriched Egg Yolk Protein Powder


(Hydrolized and Bioactive)





When You are looking for protein powders, you will find a mix of whey, hemp and other protein powders, actually from vegetal origin also, and the most popular egg whites protein powder.

Most of them do not include the egg yolk component within the protein powder or powder mix.


This is because egg yolk is blacsealed within this market with the concerns about cholesterol.  In such a case, when you have the technology to make cholesterol-reduced or even cholesterolfree egg yolk, in such a case you are left with the most nutritious part of the egg, loaded with high-bioavailability protein, phospholipids, and a consistent set of vitamins and minerals, most of them can not be found in the egg white component so it´s not loading protein powder.


YoleKing™ is our proprietary technology (hydrolised and enriched) advanced, nutrient fully loaded, reduced fat egg yolk protein and phosphatidylcholine supplement powder.


This unique ingredient, with a variety fo functionalities is richer in vitamins, minerals, and cellular building blocks than the egg white component of the egg, or typical whey protein powders in the market, with only a quarter or less of the cholesterol present within the whole egg products.



YoleKing™ is a powerful and versatile hydrolised ingredient (powder) that can apport vast functionality and added value to your food and nutrition products and supplements.






:• Protein Powder regular products

• Protein Formula Boost in other mixes

• Anabolic products and anabolic sustain for high impact Sports and

Body - Building

• Amino Acid complexes (oral)

• Bakery food products (enriched)

• Protein Smoothies and Beverages

• Nutrition Bars

• Special Nutrition for Pregnant and Lactating Women (non-hospitalary)

• Ingredient for French Vanilla flavor and other flavoured mixes

• Emulsifier in toher embodiments

• Smoothening Agent

• Cognitive Support Supplements

• Immunity Support Supplements

• Bone Health Products and Supportive Complexes.






• Protein Powder Full loaded of Nutrients

• 70 % high-bioavailability protein

• Lecithin rich with 20-25% phosphatidylcholine

• Reduced cholesterol – reduced by 75% - 100%

• Consitent aminoacid, vitamin and mineral profile

• Clean Label

• Enriched with enchanced lecithin

• Egg lecithin smoothing and emulsifying function

• Mild, clean taste with excellent mouthfeel 

• Superior shelf stability against oxygen and light

• Choline content as neurotransmitter building-block with a role in memory and muscular physiology

• Betaine content for cardio health

• Lecithin may help lower cholesterol

• Significantly helps improve weight reduction in certain diets and weight control programs.





Digestible Bioavalable Protein (DBP)

High quality nutritional protein (80%), which includes key peptides and amino acids for cell building and maintenance.

The peptides promote bone health, proper immune function, and good blood pressure control.

Egg yolk protein is digestible and readily bioavailable with the maximum PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) of 1.00, equivalent to whey protein or casein.

Amino Acid Score (AAS), which is a measurement of amino acids present, is higher than either at 1.21.

So for protein bioavailability alone, it is better than whey or casein. Comparing egg yolk protein with other protein powders for cell growth shows significant differences. Egg yolk protein has the highest weight gain growth effect compared to other protein powders, as measured using the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) index.

Egg yolk protein has a PER of 3.64 compared to only 3.2 for whey protein. The additional phospholipids in YoleKing™ also assist cell growth by providing the building blocks for cell membranes.

Biological value (BV) is a measure of the proportion of absorbed nitrogen from a protein source which becomes incorporated into the body. It shows how easily the digested protein can be used in cellular protein synthesis.

The higher the BV is in direct relationship with the more amino acids and nitrogen your body is retaining from the protein consumed, and the greater potential for more muscle growth and strength. YoleKing™ has a BV of 91-100, near the upper end of the range. Lecithin Rich YoleKing™ is a rich source of lecithin and a great emulsifier functional product.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals YoleKing™ is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, like vitamins A, D, E and K. It also contains vitamin B6 and B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, thiamine, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. 

Phospholipids contained in YoleKingTM

Phosphatidylcholine contains the key building blocks of methyl groups, which are essential for the formation of cell membranes. Egg yolks are excellent nutrition for pregnant and lactating women, in part because the PC helps form metabolic acetylcholine for the baby to use to form new cells. 

IReduced Cholesterol YoleKing™ is a unique and special egg protein, due to the partial removal of cholesterol using pure, clean supercritical CO2 extraction. The oil component that is removed has excellent properties for natural cosmetics and skin care, so it is purified and sold separately. The result is that YoleKing™ Powder contains only about 25% or less of its normal amount of cholesterol. 











All The Power of Egg Yolk Protein with a number of functional properties and low cholesterol content.




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