

Ultrapure Organic Caffeine from Green Coffee Beans



It´s just pure organic caffeine from green coffee.

(Bulk Ingredient)


Enhance the caffeine content in a variety of formulations and products, improve your label and build consumers confidence with the sustainably and naturally sourced caffeine from organic harvested green coffee beans.







Caffeine as Ingredient


Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in plant constituents such as coffee and cocoa beans, tea leaves, guarana berries and the kola nut. It has a long history of human consumption.


Caffeine is added to a variety of foods, such as baked pastries, ice creams, sweets, and cola drinks.


Caffeine is also found in so-called energy drinks, alongside other ingredients such as taurine, and D-glucurono-γ-lactone. It is also present in combination with p-synephrine in a number of food supplements that are actually marketed for weight loss and sports nutrition or sports improved performance.


Some medicines and cosmetics contain caffeine. When consumed by humans, the caffeine stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), and in moderate doses increases alertness and reduces sleepiness.


Add our Extracted Natural Caffeine branded as TrueTeaTM

Organic (Caffeine form Tea).



Our incredible powdered product comes from sustainably sourced green tea leaves, but it can outperform even synthetic caffeine in your beverage, stick packs, or nutritional supplements.


With unrivaled solubility and almost none - bitter flavor profile, TrueTeaTM  apports to all and every brand a strong and unbeatable reason to reconsider their source of stimulant soft caffeine


Talk to us to consider this product within your formulations...



Caffeine from Green Tea


Black, green, and white teas are prepared from leaves of the same plant, Camellia sinensis.


What sets them apart is the time of harvest and level of oxidation of the leaves. Black tea leaves are oxidized, while white and green tea leaves are not. This gives black tea a characteristic bold and sharp flavor.


An average cup (237 ml) of black tea packs 47 mg of caffeine but can contain as much as 90 mg. In comparison, green teas contain 20–45 mg, while white teas deliver 6–60 mg per cup (237 ml).


Matcha green tea is another high-caffeine tea. It usually comes in powdered form and packs 35 mg of caffeine per gram.


TrueTeaTM is pure caffeine from Green Tea


BerryCaf TMPure Coffee Berries Extract.


BerryCaf TMis an extract from coffee berries, not coffe beans, obtained thru a proprietary technology that lets to produce organic and  native caffeine and powerful polyphenols from coffee cherries, to use as energy promoter ingredient in certain products and formulations. 


Discover the power of Native Caffeine.



The Coffee Fruit


While most people are familiar with coffee beans, coffee fruit is not as common.


Derived from the same plant as the coffee bean, coffee fruit is normally discarded during the coffee-making process.


However, it has recently reemerged in the world of health and wellness, and it’s touted as a trendy new superfood that’s featured in supplements, juices, and herbal teas alike


Coffee fruit is a type of stone fruit that’s produced by the coffee plant.

It’s often referred to by other names, including coffee cherry or coffee berry.


The fruit is typically small and green, turning a deep red or purple shade as it ripens. The coffee bean is housed inside of the fruit and technically classified as a seed.

During coffee production, the coffee beans are extracted, while the fruit is typically discarded.

However, because of emerging research on its potential health effects, coffee fruit is now gaining traction as a popular supplement and beverage ingredient.


 Coffee fruit may be associated with several Health Benefits

High Content AntiOx

Coffee fruit is loaded with beneficial antioxidants and polyphenols.

Effects over Brain

Promising research suggests that coffee fruit could help protect brain function and slow signs of aging.


Promotion of Fat Loss

Although research on the topic is limited, some studies suggest that coffee fruit and its components may promote fat loss.

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