Herbal Adaptogens

Adaptógenos Botánicos






















Stress, Fatigue and Exhaustion are an inevitable part of human´s life in the modern societies, and it´s known that all those can have a negative impact in our physical and mental health and wellness.


Chronic stress is normally associated to fatigue, anxiety, and depression, and that stressors may alter the immune system, making us more susceptible to illnesses.


 Herbal Adaptogens are energy creators and boosters both safe and natural, and can help the body handle physical, emotional, and mental stress by supporting the adrenal glands normal function and the body’s self-immune and metabolic stress response.




Stress Impact on Health & Wellness

The unavoided effects of life’s sources of many stresses can eventually take a huge price on our productivity, energy, and ability to enjoy life. One of the main physiological effects of stress is the impairment of the neuro-endocrine and immune systems, which adversely impacts hormone levels and energy/mood related neurotransmitters.


In a first “acute” stage of the stress response there is an increase in stimulating hormones and neurotransmitters such as cortisol; and adrenaline/noradrenaline, which enable us to withstand stresses with sometimes super-human feats of strength, and is related to our ancestral fight or flight response.


If stress continues to ness within the body and the initial adrenaline is used up, the body becomes fatigued and exhausted. To remedy this, many people seek energy boosters like caffeine or sugar to “alleviate” the main consequence of stress. But simple energy boosters don’t address chronic elevated levels of adrenaline and cortisol, which can have manifold negative effects on the body, including elevated blood glucose and lipids, insulin resistance, diminished metabolism, and a reduction in the adequate level of neurotransmitters that support mood, creativity, and motivation, and in essence, the optimal health status.


Botanical Adaptogens by INTABIOTECH 


Our Commercial Company INTABIOTECH is able and can provide and supply to Manufacturers and Producers in the most varied sectors with a number of Natural Ingredients as Botanical Adaptogens of high quality, safe and effective botanical/herbal extracts and custom formulas for your own developments .


From Custom Supplements and Complementary Foods in the fields of Energy · Endurance · Stress-Relief we can create and design single and complex combinations from essential extracts to many other complex Adaptogen formulations.


Please contact us today to get started on your next product development project. and we will be more that satisfied of helping and serving you to enter in the Adaptogens World!

Adaptogens, are molecules (ingredients) found in natural herbs and plants that can help us "to adapt to", or to a better management of stress tolerance, and may help to increase energy by augmenting and nourishing the neuro-endocrine and immune systems by mechanisms that reset the disordered homeostasis.


This is reached through a physiological rebalancing of sorts to reduce excess of cortisol and the "fight or flight" adrenaline response we had been relying on for energy.


The adaptogens have the ability to improve energy outputs throughout increments of  insulin-sensitivity, while upregulating glucose and lipid metabolism, allowing cortisol levels to naturally return to lower levels.


They can also boost the activity of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin for more positive mood, creativity, and vitality – all without relying on the caffeine, sugar rush, or adrenaline “high”.


Adaptogens can also help improve sleep and foster a more calm and centered state, allowing the body to be refreshed and our immune systems restored, rather than being burned out from artificial stimulation.


Managing stress, and its related fatigue and burn-out are really important goals for good health as it´s known that long-term out of control chronic stress can lead to many adverse health conditions including depression, cardiovascular disease, Dementia/ Alzheimer’s Disease, high blood pressure, and cancer, as well as leading to a poor quality of life and shortened life expectancy to all those chronic sufferers, that most of them depend on chronic symptomatic medications for life.



Natural Ingredient Extracts obtained direcly from

Mother Naturet





Botanical Extraction Ingredients · Adaptogens and other

can be used in different applications:


Food & Nutrition

Functional Foods & Beverages

Alimentary Complements

Cosmetic & Beauty Naturals

Personal Care

Dietary Supplements






(Schizandra sinensis)


Is an adaptogenic herb that has been studied for more than 50 years for its stress relieving and adaptation effects that function through the adrenal gland, brain, and over the immune systems. The beneficial effects are mainly associated with the complex physiological three of hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis, a part of the stress-system that is believed to play a primary role in the reactions of the body to repeated stress and adaptation. Schizandra decreases the adrenal stress hormone cortisol to fight low mood, fatigue, insomnia, exhaustion status and the weak or disturbed immunity.  



(Astragalus membranaceus)


Is a vital energy and immune tonic herb. It’s historical use is for strengthening weak digestion, and boosting low energy and vital immunity. Studies have shown that Astragalus can reduce stress-induced nerve damage significantly. Astragalus can also prevent nerve damage from noise trauma. Astragalus extract was found to increase glycogen levels and exercise capacity, while reducing lactate and ammonia buildup. 




(Ganoderma lucidum)


Is a mushroom with proven results as stress reliever, also helping with sleep, and has demosntrated traditionally a certain antianxiety activity showned by the elevated plus maze in mice, an effect comparable to the effect of the standard drug Diazepam. Reishi helps to relax brain activity, and may be useful helping protect over-stimulated neurons, and shows mood boosting and calming effects. It helps to relieve stress, strengthen the immune system, and providing strong antioxidant activity support, and normalization of inflammatory milieu.


Gynostemma (Gynostemma pentaphyllum)


Is a plant from the squash family grown for its leaf, which is used to make a delicious and revitalizing tonic herbal tea with effects similar to ginseng, another well known stress adpatogen. Gynostemma is known as Jiaogulan or southern ginseng. Although it is not from the ginseng family, it contains active compounds known as gypenosides, which are known to have similar effects as the ginsenosides found in Ginseng. Studies show that Gynostemma can significantly reduce anxiety, help with stress relief, and provide anti-diabetic and cholesterol lowering benefits.



(Eleutherococcus senticosus)


Is a root that helps to restore hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal function thus far reducing negative stress effects. Sleep deprivation increases stress-related brain chemicals release (monoamines), but supplements including Eleuthero may help to restore biochemical alterations to more normal values. In studies, subjects supplemented with Eleuthero showed significant improvements in oxygen uptake, heart rate, total work output, lipid energy utilization, and time to exhaustion.  


Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)


It has many adaptogenic benefits including neuroprotection, cardio-protection, and anti-fatigue. As a nootropic, it is anxiolytic with mood boosting effects. As a traditional medicine ingredient, Rhodiola has been used for its stimulating effects on the nervous system, alleviating low mood and fatigue, and helping enhance work performance, particularly the ability to concentrate. It reduces cortisol response to stress in people with burnout and fatigue. It also activates cellular ATP synthesis for energy recovery after intense exercise. Rhodiola is rich in phenylpropanoid base compounds that can mimic energy via production of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine.



Ginseng (Panax ginseng)


Its use dates back more than 2,000 years for treating fatigue and weakness, and increasing immune protection. In Chinese Traditional Medicine, ginseng extracts have also been used as nootropic agent and as a health tonic with effects that are mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. For physical fitness, Ginseng extracts are ergogenic, enhancing muscle strength and resilience and helping the body recover between workouts. Other benefits include improved plasma lipid profiles and blood glucose levels, and increased cognitive function.



(Codonopsis pilosula)


Is a an energizing tonic herb that has impressive nourishing and vitality restoring effects, and is often known as poor man’s ginseng. Like ginseng, but less overstimulating, it is considered a major "Qi" tonic herb and is often used to restore vigor and stamina. Codonopsis helps with shortness of breath and chronic cough, heart palpitations, and reduced appetite. It can help alleviate an inflammationinduced fatigue condition which is typically caused by diabetes. Codonopsis polysaccarides can help recovery of immune cytokines; increase protection against immune suppression, especially mucus membrane immune damage; and boost healthy gut bacteria while inhibiting pathogens. 


Botanical Ingredients Extracted with The Most Advanced Technology Processes


Herbal Adaptogens are processed with the latest technology within State-of-the-Art Facilities


Full Spectrum Extract

ND Pharma uses a technique named as Full Spectrum botanical extraction.  Our botanical extract ingredients are produced with a special iterative process that brings you the full spectrum of plant components in the same balanced proportion that nature intended to be present within the Plant.

Supercritical CO2

Plant materials are extracted in pressurized liquid CO2 conditions thru a special integrated system.  This method is veryeffective in extracting components in a closed system that preserves volatiles.  It is particularly good for preserving plant oil content, including essential oils, aromatics and essences of.

Precission Fermented

Precission Processed Full Control Fermentation is a well developed technique in our Specific Fermentation Plants, that creates new unique compounds, resulting in extracts with increased bioactivity and bioavailabilty, while enhancing taste, form and function for functional food products.

Custom Formulation and Blending, is not so easy...


Herbal Combinations and Formulas specifically designed for You.


We can adapt formulas to your own specific needs, knowing that it is important for you to bring products to market that are unique, both offering your customer a needed benefit not found elsewhere, and notching up your own competitive edge.


So, no better way to reach this objective that creating your own formulas and combinations.


Although many single herbs are truly amazing in the multiplicity of effects they exhibit, a properly made herbal formula can often do much more. The well-designed herbal formula can often work faster than a single herb and have deeper, broader, longer lasting effects, supporting multiple organs and tissues affected by a particular condition. 



But herbal formulation is a dangerous and risky option if you don´t have Scientific and/or Technical support by appropriate experienced specialists.


In such case, Who can you trust to provide you with the very best formulas combined before extraction to allow the herbs to “inter-react” during the extraction process.


This synergistic method, traditional in Chinese medicine, allows the herbs to work together more efficiently in the human body.


Combining the refined wisdom of 5,000 years of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with modern pharmacodinamycs and technology, our experts and researchers are carefully producing some of the best formulation of extracts ever done in existing markets worldwide.


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