LactoLifeTM is the reference product and choice available in the market for industrial
use which provides a healthy natural antimicrobial system and other stabilization and correction factors manteinance in products where it´s used.
In certain industrial applications, using LactoLifeTM has also capacity
to prevent biofilm creation from certain bacteria without the need of use of detergents and Chem-Tox products in contact with milk and dairy
ingredients, elaborates and compounds including tubes and machine processing circuits.
As manufacturers we created a synergistic formula of fist-class/high quality natural
mineral ingredients which, that used in solitude or once added to the raw material, provides a mechanism of action that allows a
mineral natural elimination of foodborne organisms and sometimes the conversion of liquids and fluids, including inhibiting the growth of certain virus, bacteria, fungi and mold. The advantage is that it is a food product formula, so no registration as biocide or cleansing agent is needed under existing regulations, since its
ingredients are natural minerals ubiquitous in Nature.
The product offers the opportunity to be a "clean label”, as well as not providing any
kind of smell, taste or color to food, in fact, it is a simple modification of the water
(aqueous) fraction of milk and/or water present within the beverage or the raw material from the final product is made, to the point that such water fraction acquires a higher capacity to be mixed, emulsified, flavored, etc. being treated naturally, simply incorporating the
necessary concentration of mineral substances (ions), so that the treated product amend its ionic charge, until their characteristics are inconsistent with microbial life, with no negative impact (actual or potential) to the human or animal body, while
providing a whole world of advantages from mouthfeel to intestinal behavior or digestion-related factors.
When milk is processed, especially with high-pressure/high temperature procedures and techniques, there are some changes in the
distribution of minerals affecting also to the solubility of such, particularly calcium, sodium, potassium and other salts. High pressureand homogenization processes are liberating a number of different levels of micellar elements into the soluble phases creating pH changes and
sometimes changes into ionic concentrations.
LactoLifeTM contributes to reduce the effect of milk and dairy
processes, (including heating and pressure) in terms of mineral balance and micellar structure preservation, and it´s
being used now in the industry of foodstuffs making in an ever-increasing number of procedures as technology aid, to obtain improved final products, in special those derived from sensitive raw
materials as Egg-based or Fish-based, due to it´s spectacular ability to stabilize and prevent spoilage onset in the factory.