





Giving Life To Milk & Dairy Products







and many, many more!




Milk and milk-derived products are fundamental part of the world population diet. As a part of a healthy lifestyle and modern people evolved diet concepts, milk and dairy product should be

included within those aliments that are considered not only as first-line nutritionals but furthermore, as essential for life. In the recent times most of those formulated products, especially desserts are considered unhealthy for a number of reasons, fat, sugar, certain additives and ingredients within those delicious foods were situating that kind of products far aside the “healthy”



Now, to formulate with ingredients, products and technologies as it is our LACTOLIFETM can make the real

difference in terms of meeting consumer demands for a healthy product within many aspects. From digestive health, (metabolism control, inertization of certain bacteria, break of sugars, pH

natural stabilization, mineral source (chlorine – free), fermentative digestive disbacteriosis prevention, reduction of

acidity impact within the digestive system and others oriented to the protection of formulas against certain

bio-deteriorative activity, spoilage, etc. 



Once LACTOLIFE enters in contact with aqueous fraction of milk, it creates a reductive reaction

that transforms H2O clusters from long chain to short one, restructuring such water clusters and

breaking some other natural milk solutes into smaller parts creating micro-milk molecules.


This micro�fragmentative and restructurative reaction do not transform milk as itself. The reaction just create a more “light” milk but not reducing fat or protein or any other content, just making it softer and lighter in a natural way.


So the result is a more stable milk, more easy to digest, easy to transform into other products and with more versatility and capacity to be part of multiple ingredient processed and mixed final products. Quality improvement and shelf-life.


It has applications in many other products not only Dairy or Milk-based, as it happens with Egg-based, Bakery, Confectionery, Snacks, etc., etc.,



LactoLifeTM is the reference product and choice available in the market for industrial

use which provides a healthy natural antimicrobial system and other stabilization and correction factors manteinance in products where it´s used.


In certain industrial applications, using LactoLifeTM has also capacity to prevent biofilm creation from certain bacteria without the need of use of detergents and Chem-Tox products in contact with milk and dairy ingredients, elaborates and compounds including tubes and machine processing circuits.


As manufacturers we created a synergistic formula of fist-class/high quality natural

mineral ingredients which, that used in solitude or once added to the raw material, provides a mechanism of action that allows a mineral natural elimination of foodborne organisms and sometimes the conversion of liquids and fluids, including inhibiting the growth of certain virus, bacteria, fungi and mold. The advantage is that it is a food product formula, so no registration as biocide or cleansing agent is needed under existing regulations, since its ingredients are natural minerals ubiquitous in Nature.


The product offers the opportunity to be a "clean label”, as well as not providing any

kind of smell, taste or color to food, in fact, it is a simple modification of the water

(aqueous) fraction of milk and/or water present within the beverage or the raw material from the final product is made, to the point that such water fraction acquires a higher capacity to be mixed, emulsified, flavored, etc. being treated naturally, simply incorporating the necessary concentration of mineral substances (ions), so that the treated product amend its ionic charge, until their characteristics are inconsistent with microbial life, with no negative impact (actual or potential) to the human or animal body, while providing a whole world of advantages from mouthfeel to intestinal behavior or digestion-related factors.


When milk is processed, especially with high-pressure/high temperature procedures and techniques, there are some changes in the distribution of minerals affecting also to the solubility of such, particularly calcium, sodium, potassium and other salts. High pressureand homogenization processes are liberating a number of different levels of micellar elements into the soluble phases creating pH changes and sometimes changes into ionic concentrations.


LactoLifeTM contributes to reduce the effect of milk and dairy processes, (including heating and pressure) in terms of mineral balance and micellar structure preservation, and it´s being used now in the industry of foodstuffs making in an ever-increasing number of procedures as technology aid, to obtain improved final products, in special those derived from sensitive raw materials as Egg-based or Fish-based, due to it´s spectacular ability to stabilize and prevent spoilage onset in the factory.



Is a New Generation of food and food ingredients based products and technological innovations related with food-safety, processes improvement, functional stability  and nutrition improvement that results in applications to a number of final products and formulations.







LactoLifeTM is engineered and designed to harness the full potential that nature provides to such ingredients and components starting form basic elements as minerals present in many of the foods we eat, including milk/dairy.


Our product provides optimal safety and wholesomeness to foods and drinks, while is opening the door to a new world of opportunities for the development of consumer products significantly reducing costs for processors and producers, filling some of the existing gaps in the food-safety, duration, quality and easiness for processing areas.


LactoLifeTM components are configured through the blending and mixing into a concentrated solution of complex of minerals approved for use within many jurisdictions including the EU and are USA FDA approved GRAS ingredients, applicable and usable in almost all kinds of food and drinks worldwide.


LactoLifeTM  is able to act within foods without creating any changes in flavor, color and odor to concentrations of up to a 5% inclusive, and it´s able to exercise improvements in a variety of processes to reach the goal of make better foods.


LactoLife TM is easy and simple to use and does not require special handling facilities and waste disposal systems or other similar devices.


It is available as a concentrate for

direct incorporation in different dilutions of the original suspension liquid.


By providing a natural control system by a combined microbiological activity, antimicrobial and antioxidant action, effectively increasing food security not only of products but also its own 

life-cycle , in terms of freshness and/or tenderness without special systems or conservation requirements, complex installations, devices, machinery or utensils, it results in an ideal product to incorporate and improve yours.

LACTOLIFE TM is not a bactericide or biocidal agent, it´s just a technolocial adavanced product made from a concentrate of mineral salts and substances, made of high-quality food grade ingredients and therefore its

registration as such biocides is not mandatory or appropriate, even if you use as such.


It is a composition of minerals in suspension with restructuring capacity of water

and liquid which is added, causing reaction and creating a stable ionic charge

mineral which acts indirectly as disruptor of microbes cell wall and thus preventing reproduction and existance of the known 

microbiological life naturally trhu the mechanism known as Electrica-membrane-cell disruption that makes microbial life impossible in the pressence of LactoLifeTM.


LACTOLIFE TM is just Water and Minerals


Mineral salts contained in the composition are essential macronutrients whose primary function is the nutrient mineralization of certain tissues and cellular elements of the human organism. 


The technological function of these minerals in combination, along with own nutrients of foods  elements of to which are added, is being studied by our company and scientists

working for us during more than 17 years resulting into an improvement of bioavailability and disponibility of nutrients due to transformation operated in the final product launched to market.


Research on the transformation that produce makes shown that its able to re-create by this reaction system the whole food components and not only compensate possible deficiencies of absorption of nutrients within certain foods, but discover also endless possibilities for the technological applications of LactoLife to production systems and methods in unexplored areas of the food  and nutrition industry, in special the juices, drinks and beverages food industry.

The wonderful thing about our discovery is that it represents an important new part of the technological functions that minerals have in food processing technology at a certain combination, playing important unveiled roles and providing different food processing improvements at every steps of food manufacturing.


From the promotion of food safety to other well known functions extensively researched by scientists and producers our innovation opens the door for new and exciting uses in the fields of promotion of stabilization by natural effects of the protein present in raw foods as eggs, milk, whey, rounding the solubility and absorbability of other elements present in water fraction of foods and drinks, sustaining pH  or preserving flavor by the simple but advanced mechanismof maintaining stable the inner structure and composition of terminated products

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