From Valencia to The World...







INTABIOTECH is a global active chemical commercial company, offering additives, fine chemicals and specialty ingredients to our selected customers. Our company is operating in the most varied markets and customer´s needs, both locally and internationally.


The company serves customers in a wide range of consumer and industrial markets, including building, coatings, construction, energy, food and beverage, personal care and laboratory research.


Our purpose is to responsibly solve for a better world, and we do this by providing creative innovations through science, development and innovation


Our vision, mission, and way, are more than just words. They are our guiding principles.


We share a core mail goals to solve technical problems that deliver breakthrough capabilities and transform what is possible.


We also share a commitment to each other, our communities, sustainability, safety, commercial success, and much more.


Our strategic priorities... 


Market leadership

We remain committed to maintaining and growing market leadership. We intend to occupy leading positions in a range of markets, thanks to our portfolio of +300.000 references.


Cost and process leadership

We’re focused on reducing cost through simplification and standardization, supporting our business and our customers in sustaining a competitive advantage. Our process innovation leadership helps us identify opportunities to streamline and to reduce cost in our supply chain.


Green Chemistry

We´re compromised with the future of Chemical Industry, and we´re convinced that future is Green.

It’s our goal to deliver carbon neutrality products as most as it became possible in the next years to came, with strong compromise to our sustainability commitments.Caring for the environment and the planet, we can preserve our competitive advantage while creating a better world for everyone.


Cost Contention

We have a demonstrated track record in the art of making prudent and strategic price policy and implementing comprehensive cost contention. These goals will remain at the forefront of our business strategy in the role of palliate impact of products´ prices to gain customer´s budget stability and profitability.

Mission & Vision



To provide integral products and exceptional service to the chemical industry while sustaining a stable and consistent reputation through innovative intelligence. We do this in a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and adhere to all local, national and international regulations.



Through adaptive improvement, we will continue to be a leader in the manufacturing of speciality chemicals. We will advance the speciality chemical intermediate business through our innovation, hard work and responsible care initiatives.

INTABIOTECH is also an International Company

Our Core Values

We are wise and experienced but take responsibility for any errors or changes required in our process. Through continuous improvement and accountability, we are constantly striving to advance each day.


Ethical & Moral

We operate in an ethical and moral business environment. Our ethics encompass diversity, respect and civility. Our morals include to act with integrity, treat others fairly and stay loyal to our customer base.



Our solutions are designed to be profitable for both ourselves and our customers. By focusing on our core values, we create an environment where both parties can achieve lucrative results. Collaborative teamwork yields greater profitability.



Internally we always work together to meet our common goals. This partnership expands beyond our corporate walls and includes our customers becoming part of our team. We strive to structure every business relationship as a win-win.  



A large portion of our business relationships are technology-based. We are a trustworthy partner and can be entrusted to keep your information confidential.



We Offer:








By being:






Quality Products

Responsive Service

Stabilized Process


Legal Terms of Intabiotech´s Open Offers

B2B Oriented Page ·  Industrialists · Not for Consumers


We are eople behind every offer and operation. So let´s talk!

One of Our Traders will attend you personally!

Send Us an e-mail with your interest and contact data





1.- Regular Legal Terms of our Company applies (see Legal Terms & Conditions clicking of the link).

Go to Legal T&C webpage. (click here)


2.-Both parties must agree on the terms of the contract, through the issue and acceptance of a contractual offer/letter or via Internet (e-mail). This is not an "acceptance-click offer). please refer in any communication Offer Reference number.


3.- No negotiation is accepted as offer price (starting price) is non-negotiable so business must be supported by consideration: an exchange of value for money.


4.- The offers represented within this page are based on the legal criteria widely know as “offer and acceptance”. So offers/bids can not be considered accepted or contracted until a payment or formal acceptance letter were issued).


5.- This is really an invitation to treat without obligation unless a contract of sale were legally formed via agreement between both parties, expressed formally in any way acceptable in Law.


6.- It considers the online application of the traditional principles of offer and acceptance.

6.1 - An offer  is an “expression of willingness to contract on specified terms, made with the intention that it is to become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed” .

6.2 - As offers expressed here are "B2B", addressed party only appears once a Company/society/Operator bid and express legally its intention to buy/accept the offer.

6.3 -Offers expressed here must be considered sufficiently clear, certain and properly communicated to the offeree (the person to whom the offer is made - generic).

6.4 - The acceptance from the offeree must be equally clear, unequivocal and in response to the offer. 

6.5 - The acceptance will mirror the terms of the offer and will be communicated to the offeror (the person making the offer). No acceptance or obligation to treat will arise unless full conditions of offer are fulfiled by both parties.


7.- Offers via Websites as advertisements Terms


The general principle is that adverts or displays of products do not constitute an offer. 

Instead, they are said to be “invitations to treat”. An invitation to treat precedes an offer in the contract formation process; it is an invitation to make an offer. 

By contrast, an offer is capable of binding the offeree if it is accepted.

Websites used to market products and services may be considered as analogous to offline advertisements. Generally speaking, our websites will communicate an invitation to treat, not an offer, despite the name used in the advertisement.


8.- Online ordering


These are not Internet transactions that typically require the completion of web order form by the customer followed at some point by the clicking of a “complete order” button or link. 

Regulation 11 of the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002 requires online traders to acknowledge receipt of an order by electronic means. Offers displayed within this page are subjected to the rules of regular transactions between contractors and contractees, so a submission of order is required as proof of acceptance. After the submission of the order and the formal acceptance by Intabiotech, the customer will receive a Proforma Invoice for payment.  A confirmation and proof of payment email may also be sent, once money order or transfer appears on Intabiotech´s bank account.


In the absence of any factors to the contrary, there is a risk that the contract may be formed unless payment and the confirmation email is sent or received by both parties.


Accordingly, the trader will not be obliged to fulfil the order until after acceptance.  This approach recognises that an online trader’s stock will be limited, and also that a trader may wish to retain some discretion over the persons with whom he contracts.


The trader’s T&Cs should specify what acts will constitute the offer and the acceptance. In relation to the sale of goods, the T&Cs may specify that acceptance will only take place (and, consequently, a binding contract be formed) once the customer is notified that goods have been shipped.


However, a statement in the T&Cs may not be conclusive in all circumstances. If the order process has been configured in such a way that a reasonable customer would consider that a contract of sale has been formed, then a statement to the contrary buried away in the T&Cs may not assist a seller trying to avoid a contract.


This website is generally construed as an invitation to treat, no binding contract had arisen between Intabiotech and potential customers whose orders had not been expressly accepted.


9.- Incorporation of T&Cs into contract.


To be effective, this website’s T&Cs of sale must be agreed by both parties and incorporated into the contract. The T&Cs should be available to the customer before the placing of an order. The usual way to ensure that T&Cs are incorporated into an online contract is to prevent the submission of an online order form unless the customer has positively indicated acceptance of the T&Cs sent via e-mail and a Proforma Invoice or an Invoice is sent to potential buyer. 


T&Cs assented to in this way will usually bind the customer. Less explicit forms of consent may sometimes be sufficient.  A statement proximate to an “order” e-mail or communication that the sale is subject to the online trader’s T&Cs, a regular e-mail may amount to sufficient notice.


10.- T&Cs governing website use


The use of websites by casual visitors is (for usability reasons) not usually made subject to active acceptance of the website’s T&Cs. Usually such T&Cs will provide that they are accepted by virtue of the visitor’s use of the website. Whether they actually create a binding contract will depend upon the specific circumstances, but in many circumstances there will be no contract.  This does not mean that such T&Cs have no value: they may act as valid licences, and the disclaimers of liability they contain may still be enforceable.  Of course, to serve these function the T&Cs still must be brought to the attention of the users.



As seller may be also manufacturer of products offered, offers are made via clear and unambiguous statement that the advertisement of products on the website does not constitute a contractual offer, and prices are "starting prices" that my change suddenly and/or without prior notice in any moment before formal acceptance is stated by both parties.


























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© 2025 INTABIOTECH SL is a licensed commercial company of ND Pharma & Biotech Co. Ltd.(UK). Legal warning: Products depicted within this Website are for Industrial and/or B2B commercialization. Not for retail and/or individual use. Not all products are available or able to be commercialized in all Territories and Countries. Before asking for a specific product, please consult your Local, Regional or State Regulations and eventually Authorities. Certain products may be subjected to restriction in certain countries. No liability or warrant is accepted for undue o contrary to Laws use of Products and References of our Company. We operate Worldwide and certain products´ regulations may vary from time to time and from a country to another, even in some cases products can be available only in certain Countries and Territories. Ask Us before taking any action or decision.