Nature´s Best Lactoferrin
Revolution and Innovation in Food & Nutrition.
Discover all potential benefits of Lactoferrine.
Nature´s Best Lactoferrin
Revolution and Innovation in Food & Nutrition.
Discover all potential benefits of Lactoferrine.
Is a Registered Trade Mark of Dairy Tech Solutions S.A.U. (DTS), a wholly owned subsidiary of The ND Pharma & Biotech Company Ltd. (UK).
Lactoferrine name, colors and other significant denominative aspects of Trade Mark are protected under existing Marks Laws of Spain and The EU and other vindicated trhoughout OMPI/WIPO agreements and IP/PI Rights pertaining thereto.
Proprietary system of sustainable extraction, manufacture and quality control is protected as Industrial Secret under existing Industrial Secrets Laws and other regulations in different countries as UTSA (Uniform Trade Secrets Act), etc.
Lactoferrine is a natural support for the immune defenses, manufactured from milk protein, antibiotic free, BSE free, pasture fed, out door herds, supplied direct from our company at lowest prices - free airmail anywhere and no minimum order.
From time ago there is a mounting and increasing research supporting the health benefits of Lactoferrine.This research indicates that Lactoferrine has natural immune defense supporting characteristics. It can be taken by any age group and well tolerated.
Dietary Supplement.
Lactoferrine has previously been shown to be beneficial for supporting the normal balance of micro-organisms in the intestine. This is particularly useful following a course of antibiotics.For more info about the History, Research, Composition and the health Benefits of Lactoferrine, please contact us
Lactoferrine plays also several biological roles related to its iron binding ability, immune support and antioxidant activities, and its ability to bind iron. Lactoferrine binds the free iron thus far reducing the amount of oxidative free radicals
Lactoferrine is also acting in support of intestinal health by scavenging iron and supporting the balance of healthy flora in the G.I. tract. By modulating healthy levels of iron in the body, Lactoferrine plays a key role in maintaining general good health.
What is Lactoferrine?
Lactoferrine is a glycoprotein that belongs to the iron transporter or transferrin family. It was originally isolated from bovine milk, where it is found as a minor protein component of whey proteins. Lactoferrine contains 703 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 80 kilodaltons. In addition to its presence in milk, it is also found in exocrine secretions of mammals.
Lactoferrine is considered a multifunctional or multi-tasking protein. It appears to play several biological roles. Owing to its iron-binding properties, lactoferrine is thought to play a role in iron uptake by the intestinal mucosa of the suckling neonate. That is, it appears to be the source of iron for breast-fed infants.
Three isoforms of lactoferrine have been isolated: lactoferrin-alpha, lactoferrin-beta and lactoferrin-gamma. Lactoferrin-beta and lactoferrin-gamma have RNase activity, whereas lactoferrin-alpha does not. Receptors for lactoferrine are found in monocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, intestinal tissue and on certain bacteria. Lactoferrine is abbreviated LF and Lf. Bovine lactoferrin is abbreviated bLF.
Bovine lactoferrin, derived from whey proteins, is marketed as a nutritional supplement. Supplemental lactoferrin typically contains low amounts of iron.
ThinK PinK!
ThinK LactoferrineTM
Lactoferrin is a protein found in breast milk, saliva and tears. Lactoferrin provides protection against bacterial infections thanks to its ability to deprive bacteria of the iron necessary for their proliferation. Lactoferrin also acts against RNA and DNA viruses such as hepatitis C, Zika, and Herpes.
Its immunomodulating action helps to regulate the inflammatory response by modulating the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, proteins involved in immune function. Lactoferrin also promotes the proliferation of immune system cells (T lymphocytes and NK Natural-Killer cells) and the production of interferon gamma (IFNγ). IFNγ is an immunomodulator involved in the recruitment of immune cells such as leukocytes.
Lactoferrin has many other properties. It is involved, for example, in the regulation of cell growth by limiting the growth of tumor cells and promoting death by apoptosis of cancer cells. Lactoferrin also inhibits angiogenesis, a mechanism that promotes the formation of new blood vessels (neovascularization) and is essential for the growth of tumors and the development of metastases in different organs, since cancer cells need nutrients and oxygen to proliferate. Because of its involvement in many of the body's defense mechanisms, lactoferrin appears to be a multifunctional protein, and therefore a valuable ally.*
Scientific Literature Review on Lactoferrin (National Institutes of Health of The US).
Our Brands of LactoferrineTM
Lactoferrine from cow´s milk and/or cheese whey is manufactured in strict accordance with COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2017/2470 of 20 December 2017 establishing the Union list of novel foods in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council on novel foods, published in the Official Journal of the European Union 30.12.2017.
According such Regulation approved uses are*:
· Infant formula and follow-on formula as defined in Regulation (EU) No 609/2013 (ready to drink)
· Foods on dairy basis intended for young children (ready to eat/drink)
· Processed cereal food (solid)
· Foods for special medical purposes as defined in Regulation (EU) No 609/2013
· Beverages based on milk
· Powdered drink mixes based on milk (ready to drink)
· Beverages based on fermented milk (including yoghurt drinks)
· Non-alcoholic drinks
· Products based on yoghurt
· Products based on cheese
· Ice cream
· Cakes and pastries
· Candies
· Chewing gum
High Solubility
Food, Nutrition, Feed and Other Uses according EU and FDA Regulations
Lactoferrin Solutions at Affrodable Cost.
LactoferrineTM is for all ages, not just babies...
Since lactoferrine is contained not only in milk but also in secretions such as tears and saliva, it is an important component not only for babies but also for people of all ages.
LactoferrineTM is contained in cow’s milk, but the amount is about one tenth that of human milk. Extracting lactoferrine from dairy raw materials and sterilizing it by heating under conditions that do not denature, is what our proprietary production method consists.
So we have made it possible to let our customers and producers to incorporate LactoferrineTM into various products.
In addition to infant formulas, we offer LactoferrineTM that is ready to be incorpored to a variety of products as yogurt, beverages, supplements, and powdered milk for adults, and other including creams and/or cosmetics, in dependance of country regulations.
How LactoferrineTM works?
Little is known of the pharmacokinetics of oral lactoferrine. Lactoferrine appears much more resistant to proteolytic action than most dietary proteins. Lactoferrine is digested in the intestine to the bioactive peptide lactoferricine. Most of the possible actions of oral lactoferrine may be confined to the gut. There is some preliminary evidence that lactoferrine and lactoferricine may be absorbed, in part, from the lumen of the small intestine into enterocytes and that these molecules enter other cells as well. However, this remains unclear.
Benefits In Summary
A number of in vitro and animal studies have shown that lactoferrin has various immune defense supporting properties.
Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid using lactoferrin supplements.
Storage and Shelf Life of LactoferrineTM
Store in a cool and dry place below 30°C.
Shlef Life is around 3 years in correct conditions.