
The Power of Mother Nature

@ Your Hand

Colostrum is the first milk after giving birth.


The newborn gets it to activate the natural body defenses. 3-5 days after colostrum changes to normal milk. In terms of nutritional physiology this first milk plays a minor role.


Human babies rather lose weight in the first days. Colostrum from the mammary glands is of utmost importance for the formation of body defensive elements, a wholesome reaction to environmental conditions and as a consequence the further development of the newborn.

Since ancient times the significance of

colostrum was underestimated. Nowadays, due to the advanced status of the latest analyses, the advance of health and medical discoveries, 

Colostrum is acquiring its true importance and the place that it deserved within the Food, Feed

and Nutrition fields of Industry.


Manufacture of Colostrum


Liquid colostrum is degreased and directly

deep frozen as it comes from the farm and

collection points. Colostrum contains 10% fat

so with such content may not be easily

digestible in its unprocessed form.

Next step is removal of casein where such

constituents are removed from colostrum to

be used in other applications as cheese.

Colostrum whey remains containing a number

of high-molecular elements so entering into

an immediate sterile filtration in such state is

nearby impossible.


Whey is then submitted into a microfiltration

process so that only these constituents are

left over that can pass the small pores of the

filter membranes.


Main are the immunoglobulin’s (antibodies),

growth factors, cytokines, interferons,

interleukins, and many others.


Bacteria are also very small, so the sterile

filter must not exceed a maximum size of 0.2

µ. Fortunately the protein molecules of the

remaining ingredients are even smaller than

the smallest bacterium.


Afterwards it is refrozen to be freeze-dried.

In cold manufacturing, all ingredients survive

processing. This procedure is a purely physical

process, where neither chemicals nor other

additives – except for one enzyme to separate

the casein – are employed.


This procedure is engineered on the basis of

the manufacturing techniques of

biotechnology to protect the ingredients and

to maintain their biological activity.


Even the most sensitive ingredients like

enzymes are preserved in that way.

Our Quality


From the collection to the processing of

colostrum, there are quality differences.

An extensive and deep knowledge and a specific labour force are crucial to

manipulate and treat such vital and

delicate product in an appropriate way to ensure that product maintain the vitality and attributes of colostrum.


Collected from by certified farms, from EU-inspected establishments in the heartland of milk in France and Spain, between other EU Member States.


Collecting points are well equipped and

managed within freezers, storing in clean collecting tanks and gathering all relevant documentation to ensure and verify traceability our Colostrum is frozen directly after milking collection, that means the first 12 hours.


Specifically developed and proprietary cold processing procedures are employed and all this is done entirely without heating and thus far damaging the immense amount of Bioactive substances using the latest and

most gentle technologies to reach this



Due to the special treatment, it contains

the natural enzyme telomerase in the final product.


A spectacular combination of active

ingredients results with free, vivid, and

low-molecular vital substances as

immunoglobulin’s, growth factors,

proteins, vitamins and minerals.


For that reason we can guarantee to

customers and end-users the best available quality in the market for Colostrum Powder.


Composition of Colostrum


Components of colostrum can be divided in

two main categories: immune system factors

and growth factors.


Immunoglobulins, also called antibodies, are

proteins produced by the immune system in

response to bacteria, virus or any other kind

foreign invasion.


Immunoglobulins are over 50% of the protein

component, providing specific anti-microbial

protection by neutralizing bacteria, bacterial

toxins, viruses and some parasites.



Because colostrum is a natural commodity,

comparing two different production

batches, marginal fluctuations of the

analysis values can occur.




Growth factor and hormones per 100

gram of ND Pharma Colostrum

IGF-1 250 – 350 µg Wound healing, proliferation of muscle cells

IGF-2 30 – 60 µg Wound healing; highest during fetal

TGF-ß (Beta) 10 – 30 µg Wound healing, collagen synthesis, growth of osteoblasts

GH 200 µg Growth of the body, hypophysis (pituitary gland), water balance, concentration of carbohydrates

and fats in blood, blood sugar, protein balance, thyroid.

IGFBP-3 200 µ Mediates metabolic, mitotic activities of GH & IGF-1 Cortisol 17’000 µg Stress hormone of the adrenal, carbohydrates balance, lipo-metabolism, protein turnover, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect by blocking allergic inflammatory reactions.

LH 200 mU Luteinizing hormone (hypophysis), sex hormone, formation of testosterone and sperm maturation with men, facilitates pregnancy, ovulation and the formation of corpus lutein with women.

FSH 200 mU Follicle-stimulating hormone, glycoprotein &sex; hormone, growth of ovocytes with women, formation of sperms (spermatogenesis) with men.

Prolactin 400 ng Lactrotrope hormone (hypophysis), growth during pregnancy, lactation with women, fertility of men.

Testosterone 3360 ng Development of sexual organs, facilitation of bone growth in adolescence, increase of muscle mass, reduction of cholesterol level, physical endurance & power, increase of protein building


Colostrum is a Superfood


Colostrum is much more than a highly

nutritious functional food. It is also a

substance that contains a wonderful

amount of life-supporting and health

promotion quite active substances.

The significance and high importance of

Colostrum is best illustrated by the fact that most animals require Colostrum just after birth to survive as the only supporting nutritional element and critical factor to reach such survival.


Some of these life supporting and growth promoting substances are antibodies, immune factors, growth factors, attachment factors, cytokines,

oligosaccharides, essential fatty acids, and phosphides.


The remarkable issue about Colostrum is that all these substances operates

synergistically in so many biological and

physiological mediated ways to enhance

the overall effect of each individual

component in full benefit of any individual relying on Colostrum as a super-food.


Composition of Colostrum II     


Estradiol 198 ng Essential estrogen, growth of

primary & secondary female genitals, building of

skeletal structure (facilitates the uptake of calcium

and its fitting in the bones, influences dermal

functions, eases skin diseases & dermatological


Progesterone 1800 ng Progesterone, influences

functions around pregnancy, water balance,

stability of veins and bones, memory, mental

balance, forms other hormones – testosterone,

estrogen, aldosterone and cortisol

FT 3 23’000 pg Free T3, triiodthyronine (thyroid),

influences fundamental metabolic processes &

oxygen consumption, development of heat,

increases the uptake of carbohydrates, activates

release of the body’s own fat storage,

decomposition of cholesterol, protein synthesis,

influences the water balance and bone

metabolism, growth and maturation processes of

the skeleton, development of the brain

FT 4 800 pg Free and unbound thyroid hormone

T4 (thyroxin), the same but less intensive effect as

T3, is turned into T3 to develop its effect

TSH 200 mU Thyrotropine (adenohypophysis),

stimulates the thyroid to free the thyroid

hormones T3 and T4

Calcitonin 15’800 pg Hypophysis, influences the

concentration of calcium (calcium balance) and

phosphate, influences the transport of other ions

and of those of water, pain

PTH 200 pg Parathyrine (parathyroid),

parathormone and calcitonin influence the

calcium balance of the body

DHEAS 800 µg Steroid hormone (adrenal gland),

muscle formation, lipo-metabolism,

inflammations, activates immune system, has an

antidepressant effect, enhances perceptual

capacity & performance of the brain, antiviral

effect, protective and nutritive effect on neurons,

father and mother of testosterone and estrogen.

IgG 35 – 45 g 75% of all Immunoglobulin,

half-live-period 22 days; neutralizes toxins

and bacteria; opsonizes, so that killer cells

can destroy intruders.

IgA 2,5 – 5,0 gFirst immunological barrier

against antigens that enter the mucous


IgM 3,0 – 5,0 g Increased in case of ongoing.

IgD Main component of surface membranes

and many B-cells, plays an important role in

the lymphocyte-differentiation triggered by


IgE Connects to: basophile mast cells, mucous

membranes of the eyes and the bronchia.

Children and Colostrum



It’s a question that raise continuously

over Colostrum. Is safe for Children?

The answer is “Absolutely Yes”.


Colostrum can help growing children in

many ways, from better concentration,

increased memory plus children have a

higher tendency to catch colds and

illness from other schoolmates and

Colostrum will help in so many ways.

Attending to content of Colostrum, it

appears that carry more nutrients,

elements, substances that are keen to

life than any other edible material, food

or aliment in the world.


Colostrum for Adults

Once puberty has passed, our bodies begin the ageing process that is openly accompanied of a progressive decrease in the production of immune and growth factors that help us to fight to disease and heal damaged body tissues, two critical elements in the maintenance of good health and free-of-disease.


Colostrum is the only natural source of

these life-giving/life-enhancing factors.


Vitamins per 100g / Colostrum  


(Vitamin A) 1400 – 1600 µg Function and formation of skin, mucous membranes, blood cells, metabolism,

seeing, cartilage tissue.

(Vitamin B1) 600 – 700 µg water-soluble vitamin indispensable to life, exists in all organs and tissues, heart,

liver, kidneys, brain, skeletal muscles, metabolism, especially lipo-metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism,

energy generation by decomposition of glucose (sugar), central nervous system.

(Vitamin B2) 2500 3500 µg Principally in the liver, kidney, heart, involved in controlling neuro-hormones and

amines of the central nervous system. Influences the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty acids,

and other vitamins.

(Vitamin B3) 90 µg Involved in the metabolism of proteins, fat, and carbohydrates, decreases the cholesterol

level, influences the calcium carbonate balance, nerves, influences impaired genetic information, enhances

gall bladder synthesis, vasodilatatory.

(Vitamin B5) 310 µg Growth & reproduction, energy metabolism of the cells, utilization of proteins and

amino acids.

(Vitamin B6) 150 –200 µg Influences the elasticity of the connective tissues, involved in blood clotting,

immune functions and realization of muscle functions, hormone metabolism.

(Vitamin B9) 60 – 70 µg Cell function, cell division, formation of cells and cell differentiation, influences the

formation of red and white blood cells, mucous tissue, high concentration in the bone marrow,

gastrointestinal tract, muscle tissue and in the liver.

(Vitamin B12) 0,5 – 0,8 µg Involved in haemato-formation (red blood cells), protein and amino acid

metabolism, growth, cell division, and cell maturation.

(Vitamin C) 3100 – 3300 µg Involved in the formation of bones, teeth, gums, blood, immune system,

infection defense, antioxidant, increases utilization of iron.

(Vitamin D3) 3,1 – 3,5 µg Mineralization of bones.

(Vitamin E) 300 – 350 µg Antioxidant, reduces oxidation of fat, protein metabolism, protection of cell

membranes , reduces the risk of thrombosis, immune defense.

(Coenzyme Q10) 50 – 80 µg Antioxidant, protection of cells, strengthening of the immune system, heart,

lungs, liver.



Our Products


Bovine Colostrum 15% IgG

The bovine colostrum is freeze-dried Pre-milk Powder that contains high level Amino Acids and Immunoglobulins. Yellowish powder from first and second milking of the cow, non-organic. We buy our bovine colostrum from controlled famers in Europe.


Bovine Colostrum 20% IgG

The bovine colostrum is freeze-dried Pre-milk Powder that contains high level Amino Acids and Immunoglobulins. Yellowish powder from first and second milking of the cow, non-organic. We buy our bovine colostrum from controlled famers in Europe.


Bovine Colostrum 30% IgG

The bovine colostrum is freeze-dried Pre-milk Powder that contains high level Amino Acids andImmunoglobulins. Yellowish powder from first and second milking of the cow, non-organic. We buy our bovine colostrum from controlled famers in Europe.


Goat Colostrum 25% IgG

Goat colostrum low temperature spray or freeze-dried Pre-milk Powder that contains high level Amino Acids and Immunoglobulins. Yellowish powder from first and second milking of the goat, non-organic. We buy our goat colostrum from controlled framers in the EU.


Goat Whey Protein Powder WPC80

Whey protein improves muscle repair and strengthening, contributes to a slower aging process, and supports weight management. Additionally, whey protein promotes cardiovascular and bone health and boost the body’s immune system. Whey protein powder not only helps with recovery after exercise, but also supports the body to recover from illness.

Free Amino Acids per 100g of Colostrum  


Alanine 1170 mgEnergy supply for the cells,

influences the blood sugar level.

Arginine 1080 mg Relaxation of the vascular

walls, blood circulation by relaxation of vascular

walls, blood pressure reduction, stimulation of

growth hormone from the hypophysis.

Aspartic Acid 504 mg Cell energy, detoxication of

tissue, protection of the central nervous system,

endurance in physical activity, mineral absorbing

power, muscle formation, influences metabolism

activity in the brain and the nerves, formation of

DNS & RNS, protects liver and kidney


ß-Alanine 50,4 mg Energy supply, influences

blood sugar level, precursor for the synthesis of

glucose, formation of glucagon, function of


ß-Aminoisobutyric Acid 144 mg Not specified.

Citrulline 201 Not specified.

Cysteine 43,2 mg Influences strengthening of the

roots of hair, build-up of hair and nails, increases

wound healing, mucolytic with asthma and

cough, detoxicate and relieves the liver, often

used as a therapeutic agent with heavy metal

poisoning, strong antioxidant, used to prevent


Glutamine 1296 mg Formed by glutamic acid,

muscle formation, cell metabolism, influences

the ability for regeneration of the body in sleep.

Glutamic Acid 87200 mg Forms glutamine,

binding of cellular toxins.

Glycine 6084 mg Protein component, nervous

system, antioxidant properties, anti-

inflammatory, metabolic function, haematosis,


Histidine* 144 mg Place for binding of iron in

blood pigment hemoglobin and muscle pigment

myoglobin, blood buffer.

Isoleucine* 936 mg Muscle energy, protein

storage, nerve and muscle.

Leucine* 1800 mg Muscle energy, protein

storage, nerve and muscle function.


Contact Us ·  Important 

For any queries regarding Colostrum or other Dairy Products that may be of your interest, you can contact Us directly or Our Sales Department.


Colostrum is not a commodity, its a technological processed product made from animal origin raw material, so resources are not unlimited. We depend on Farms, Collectors, Trasnporters, Quelity Assurance, Processing and Quality Test again.


Just remember that production is being planned each 3 months and due to this planning issues and the exhausting demand we can not guarantee service for fast track/urgen/rush orders. So make your schedule and plan yourself your needs to prevent shortages and supply chain disruptions and inconvenients.

Free Amino Acids per 100g of Colostrum (II)  


Lysine 842,5 mg Growth, tissue repair, formation of

enzymes, formation of hormones, formation of

antibodies, collagen synthesis, bones.

Methionine * 230,4 mg Sulphureous,

proteinogeneic amino acid, prevents urinary tract

infections and fat depositing in the liver,

regeneration of liver and kidneys, anti-bacterial,

binding of heavy metals, cell metabolism, anti-

depressive effect.

Ornithine 122,4 mg Strengthening of the immune

system, enhances the formation of leukocytes,

muscle formation, lipid catabolism, detoxication and

purging of ammonia, counteracts insomnia,

protection and regeneration of the liver.

Phenylalanine * 972 mgEnhances memory

performance, influences appetite, elimination of

harmful substances through kidneys and bladder,

pain killer, antidepressant effect.

Phosphor ethanolamine 5760 mg Not specified.

Phosphor serine 1872 mg Not specified.

Proline 11440 mg Essential for the formation of

collagen, that is the protein that connective tissue

and bones are made of, increases the activity of

enzymes in cytoplasm.

Serine 1008 mg Formation of neurotransmitters,

formation of DNA, part of enzymes.

Taurine 14560 mg Growth of eyes and brain, CNS,

retina of the eyes, thrombocytes, component of

smaller proteins and of neurotransmitters, soothing,

restorative, antioxidant effect, liver restorative.

Threonine * 576 mg Growth, metabolism of uric

acid, immune system, protein metabolism,

formation of enzymes and hormones, strengthening

of the immune system, formation of

Immunoglobulin and antibodies, health of the

thymus gland.

Tryptophan * 1440 mgProtein synthesis,

metabolism of the liver, formation of serotonin,

circadian rhythm.

Tyrosine 720 mg Synthesis of proteins that are

produced naturally in the body, hormones,

neurotransmitters, precursors of melanin and the

thyroid hormone thyroxin.

Valin * 2016 mg Energy source for muscles, muscle

formation, stress amino acid, glycogen-effective

amino acid, function of nerves and muscles * =

essential amino acid.

Featured Product: Colostrum Powder 30%


Sourced from pasture-fed cows in Europe, this high quality colostrum is naturally rich in Immunoglobulin G (Active IgG); 30% refers to active IgG. This powerful antibody can support the normal function of the immune system. The colostrum is processed using a non-denatured low heat spray drying process to ensure the product’s integrity. Our colostrum represents a modest percentage of the first 50 litres of mother’s milk post-birth of the calf. It is sensitively and ethically sourced to ensure ample supply of milk to the calf.


• 30% Active Immunoglobulin G

• Supports the immune system

• Sensitively and ethically sourced



Nutritional Support for a Healthy Immune System*

Free of synthetic hormones, pesticides and antibiotics.

ND Pharma Colostrum is produced from healthy, nutritionally-supplemented cows raised in the EU within Officially Inspected and certified dairy farms.

ND Pharma Colostrum is high in Immunoglobulin G content and growth factors.

ND PharmaColostrum is made using a proprietary process and filtering method with minimal heat, less than when the colostrum is first produced by the cow, to ensure maximum bio-activity and bio-availability of all of its nutritional components.

  • Manufactured according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
  • Sourced from EU ofifcially inspected and certified Dairies
  • Collected within 12 hours of production
Supplement Facts Average Serving as Supplement
Serving Size: 1 Level Teaspoon (Valid only as Example)
Servings per Container: 59 (Valid Only as Example)
  Amount Per Serving

Colostrum (ColostruMuneTM)
(mycelium/brown rice biomass)

1900 mg **

Standardized to contain 30% IgG*** 570 mg
***IgG (Immunoglobulin G)



14 mg **

IGF-I (Insulin growth factor-I)

3705 nanograms
** Daily Value not established.
Contains milk ingredients.

Directions: As a dietary supplement, adults take 1 level teaspoon twice daily, placed under the tongue for 30 seconds, followed with 8 oz. of water. Children 6 to 11 take 1/2 teaspoon twice daily, sprinkled on food.

Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your physician before taking this product. Do not take this product if you are sensitive to dairy products.


Minerals per 100g · Colostrum 


Sodium (Na) 170 mg Essential for water balance,

serum, blood pressure, acid-base-balance, muscle

relaxation, transport of nutritive substances.

Potassium (K) 345 mg Essential for energy, water and

electrolyte balance of the cell, the cardiovascular

system, function of the nerves, muscle contractions,

kidneys, activation of enzymes, activity of the

myocardial muscle, acid-base-balance.

Calcium (CA) 550 mg Component of the human

skeleton, involved in growth, nerves, blood clotting,

messenger in cell metabolism, involved in cell

development, stabilizes cell walls, bones, teeth,

muscle function.

Magnesium (Mg) 200 mg Bone formation, teeth,

muscles of the heart and the skeleton, involved in

enzyme reactions, amongst others, it plays an

important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates,

proteins and fats as well as in cell division,

transmission of nerve-impulses.

Iron (Fe) 0,3 mg The most frequent trace element in

the body, important for the transport of oxygen and

its storage, strengthens the immune system,

important for erythrocytes (red blood cells),

hemoglobin (red blood pigment), myoglobin (oxygen

depot of the muscles), liver, spleen and bone marrow.

Copper 0,07 mg Is involved in many body functions,

antioxidant, haematosis , energy generation, immune


Chromium 0,02 mg Important for a better uptake of

glucose in the body, muscle formation, reduces

cholesterol level, increases the fat burn.

Manganese (Mn) 0,01 mg Activates important

enzymes in the body, bones, cartilage and connective


Zinc (Zn) 0,06 mg Enhances wound healing, protein

synthesis, insulin production, important for growth

and maturation, insulin storage, important functions

in the cells, e.g. protects the cell membranes, involved

in the metabolism of growth hormones, thyroid

hormones and sex hormones, influences the

functioning of the senses (smell, taste, see, hear).

Phosphoric Acid (P) 600 mg Metabolism, bones,

teeth, cell nuclei and cell membranes, energy balance


Selenium (Se) 0,004 mg Often used as a therapeutic

measure in case of anemia, protects the cells from ill

effects, heavy metals and other straining substances,

radical interceptor.

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