GLOBAL MARKET is facing a devastating price increase that it is expected to maintain and became more sever in coming times. In addition regulatory changes and pressure over cocoa use makes forecasting price behaviour nearby impossible. As an answer to market dynamics ND Pharma & Biotech has launched a number of solutions for cocoa substitution  to help our customers to overcome what its been called the "cocoa-worldwide-crises" of price variation and volatility and how this is impacting on cocoa and cocoa-derived products.

We have alternative solutions for each situation, both to replace and to extend cocoa usage.


We do Science for You

Chocolate is one of the most demanded and consumed product worldwide now facing a critical era.

We are here to help producers, manufacturers and the industry in general with a possible solution for every challenge that may rise up in any circumstances, transforming barriers and obstacles into opportunitties. So we want to be your reliable partner for each defy or solution you may need at any moment, helping you to create better products, safer, healthies, cost-effective and sustainable for a better world.


That is our contribution.

The Re-invention of Chocolates... with CaroStarTM


Our Formula is a Cocoa-Free Alternative to Tropical Forest where Cocoa needs to be cultivated... so in certain ways we have operated a natural and sustainable re-invention of chocolate...opening to the formula a new world of possible combinations, with innovative and exciting flavours and colours that will make the experience of replacing cocoa a worthwile and healthy one, capable of get satisfied and content up to the most exigent chocolate lovers.

Cocoa Solutions

Cocoa Replacement Solutions CaroStar TM

Our proprietary Technology Transform Carob Roasted Powder into a real-effect and efficient Cocoa - Powder Alternative for Replacement .

A natural ingredient, sustainable and properly treated and processed let manufacturers to replace cocoa powder up to a 100%. Cost-savings, well tolerated, low inclussion level, and the only exiting actual way to produce a real alternative to actual cocoa powder shortage.

Flavor Extender Solution CaroForce TM

Efficient and cost-in-use effective solutions to marry flavors, textures and ingredients we made thru a proprietary technology a combination of All-Natural Ingredients, Natural Flavours and Colours, that permit manufacturers to produce high quality products reducing up to a 50% cocoa use in the final product with the benefitial savings remaining texture and taste profile.

Our Carob Proprietary Technology to Recreate Cocoa Powder

All begins when We Select the finest Carob plants and beans and process it trhu an authorised humidity extraction at low temperature process, and after we pass thru a roast process within special dryers/toasters that help us to maintain intact all nutritional and functional properties, thereafter we get impurities removed and to reach the  formulated final flour  this raw material is mixed with a natural vegetal fibre form bamboo and green banana, also roasted all homogeneised with natural colour and flavour to complete the full subtle matices of finest cocoa powder form natural origin that can be obtained.



Our Formula is a healthy alternative to cocoa powder, although minimally processed cocoa powder has some health benefits of its own.


Since ingredients present in Our Formy¡ula is naturally sweet, there is no need to add sugar or other sweeteners when using it in your final products and/or favorite recipes.


Natural and roasted carob, banana or bamboo powder are generally considered safe to eat. 

If you have pets and are worried about them eating chocolate, here's a fun fact. Carob powder is Pet-friendly. It doesn't contain high levels of theobromine, a compound that is toxic to dogs and cats in large quantities.


Creating Value within Your Company...

Our Products and Formulas are a guarantee fo quality and innovation to your own manufactures, so we rely heavily on producing Quality To Trust.

Chocolate world is full of creativity, ingenia and marvelous experience of taste, flavour, great moments and celebration goals for people. So Chocolate producers need more than ever Suppliers helping them to Create Value to overcome the actual situation with the raw materials, in special Cocoa.


Creation of value in our customer´s companies and among their own clients is an actual target for Us to achieve total satisfaction by both parties, reaching the  security and confidence that together, we took our committment to the standards of excellence that we want and our clients expect. Excellence is undoubtedly one of our goals, and we do not renounce to it.

4 Variedades a Elegir de Nuestra Gama





(1:1 w/w Cocoa Replacer)



Carob-Based Cocoa Replacer

Sugar-Added Free · Fat Free · Theobromine Free

Non-Allergenic · Calcium Source



(Image: CaroStar TM Brownie Homemade)


CaroStar TM Natural

CaroStar TM Toasted

CaroStar TM Brown 

CaroStar TM Dark

CaroStar TM A Cocoa Replacer Full of Benefits for All Kind of Chocolate Lovers...

Read what Science is behind our Product Alternative. Carob-based Formulas Scientifically Advanced. The Perfect Combinations of Nature and Science...




1. Naturally low fat

Our formulated powder contains virtually no fat, so If you are on a low-fat diet, or having weight problems our formula is a good alternative. Most chocolates are made over basis of cocoa butter, so this means that vast majority of preparations are relatively high in fat content. That fat is creating digestive problems to consumers including but not limited to liver saturation, altered fatty elements metabolism and sometimes dermatological or allergenic reactions to certains sectors of population.


2. Low in sodium

Our formula is sodium-free, making it a great option for people following a low-sodium diet.

Salt is declared an enemy of good health since it affects to many organs and functions within the human body so actually the tendencies are all in favour for salt-reduced foodstuffs or salt-free. Since Carob and our product contains no salt (sodium), it´s a healthy alternative for those chocolate lovers that may want a healthise alternative.



3. Calcium rich, oxalates - free

Calcium is a mineral. It is important for bone health. It also helps the heart, nerves, and muscles function properly. Two tablespoons of Our formula have 42 mg of calcium, or 4 percent of the RDA, while Cocoa contains oxalates, compounds that reduce the body's ability to absorb calcium. A diet high in oxalates also increases the risk of developing kidney stones. Our formulated powder contains no oxalates.


4. High fiber content

Two tablespoons of Our formulated powder have almost 5 grams of fiber, over 20 percent of the RDA. Keeo in mind that Fiber helps you stay full longer to help you eat less, prevent constipation and helps to maintain healthy intestines without increasing significatively your blood sugar and helps to lower your cholesterol due to antioxidant power of polyphenols present in carob insoluble fiber that has demonstrated in clinical studies that may lowered total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol in people with high cholesterol rates.


5. Gluten-free

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. In some people, gluten triggers the immune system to attack the small intestine. This condition is called celiac disease. If you have celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten, you must avoid foods containing gluten. Our formula made from Carob and other natural fibres is a gluten-free powder.


6. Helps relieve diarrhea

Thanks to its tannin content, procedent from Carob and Green Banana fibre, Our Formula is full of tannins and polyphenosl that has been used as a natural remedy for diarrhea in several ways traditionally in the Mediterranean countries. Tannins are polyphenols found in some plants.


Research suggests that administering tannin-rich carob powder with an oral rehydration solution is safe and effective for treating acute onset diarrhea in infants aged 3 to 21 months.


7. Caffeine-free

Caffeine is a great pick-me-up, but too much can cause unpleasant side effects, such as; insomnia; rapidpulse; nervousness; irritability; upset stomach; gastric discomfort; muscle tremor and other symptoms.


Our proprietary formula contains no caffeine, which is good news for caffeine-sensitive individuals looking for a chocolate substitute.


8. Good source of antioxidants

According to a 2003 study, Carob, Bamboo and Green Banana fiber is a rich source of polyphenol antioxidants. The study identified as much as 24 polyphenolic compounds in these fibers, mainly gallic acid and flavonoids. Both gallic acid and flavonoids have been shown to reduce oxidative stress. Gallic acid has also been shown to scavenge free radicals and kill cancer cells. Research has shown also that flavonoids have anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic, and neuroprotective abilities.



9. Free from tyramine

Tyramine is a byproduct of tyrosine, an amino acid. According to the National Headache Foundation, foods that contain tyramine can trigger migraine headaches. Since chocolate contains tyramine, it is not recommended for people who get migraines.


Our formula does not contain tyramine and is considered safe to eat if you get migraines.



Different Uses and Applications...

Ways to use Our Formulated Cocoa Replacer:

  • Smoothies
  • Yogourth
  • Ice Cream
  • Desserts
  • Bread, Bakery and Confectionery
  • Drinks (instead of hot chocolate)
  • Puddings
  • Bars and Snacks
  • Vegetal - Source Drinks
  • Brownies
  • etc.


In essence it can be used as generic replacer for Cocoa...


Diseñamos Soluciones y las ponemos a tu alcance.

Los productos de reemplazo del Cacao son tendencia en todo el mundo, no sólo por la crisis actual del Cacao, sino por la búsqueda constante de ingredientes y alternativas que supongan y aporten ventajas nutricionales y saludables a nuestras familias, lo que es y debe seguir siendo, la principal perocupación de todo agricultar orgullos de su colaboración para alimentar al mundo...







Cuando se produce una crisis de abastecimiento o una escalada imparable de precios de una materia prima, los procesadores e industriales buscan alternativas para su reemplazo.

Nuestros productos representan esa alternativa.

Desarrollando Productos de Reemplazo para el Cacao.


Esto es lo que está pasando con el cacao hoy en día, los precios están creciendo desde hace  años, empujados por una climatología adversa en los países productores, problemas con la mano de obra y la cadena de suministro, de modo que los procesadores que usan Cacao están buscando nuevas soluciones alternativas para el reemplazo de este ingrediente.


Los precios del cacao se han mantenido estables durante décadas como pero a partir de enero de 2023, comenzaron a subir hasta romper el techo de los 12.000 US $ el pasado mes de abril y desde entonces se han moderado y actualmente se pueden encontrar precios del entorno de los 8.000 $ por tonelada. En cualquier caso un precio alto en comparación a la estabilidad anteriormente observada por la materia prima.


Afortunadamente existen varias vías para la reducción del uso del cacao en el producto final. Obviamente en una situación ideal un procesador o industrialista encontraría una solución de reemplazo 1:1 que puede funcionar en algunas recetas concretamente, por lo que ya existen diferentes tipos de producto de reemplazo en el mercado y esto constituye una posibilidad real de alcanzar una salida a esta crisis.... (Siga leyendo descargando el documento)...



Descárguelo en el Siguiente enlace:

Desarrollando Productos de Reemplazo par[...]
Documento Adobe Acrobat [221.4 KB]




As protection for Cocoa and Cocoa Powder in all stages of harvesting, storage, processing, packaging and marketing, here is the definitive product to protect and preserve natural attributes and quality of commercialized powder, in special in these times of price volatility and future uncertainty.





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